Additional Hints for Floppy Disk Users: We have left approximately 36KB free on the A: disk. You may wish to consider putting a copy of your and onto your PLAYA and SAVEA disks to facilitate backups. Starflight requires the STARFLT.COM, STARA.COM, and STARB.COM files to run. You may delete the .bat files and .txt files from your PLAYA disk if you need the disk space. Hard Disk Users Only: There is an HDINSTL.bat file on the STARFLT A disk. This batch file installs Starflight on your hard disk. It takes a parameter for the device ID of your hard disk. If your hard disk is device C: the command "A:HDINSTL C:" will install Starflight on your hard disk. The batch file also gives additional instructions for saving and backing up game states on the hard disk.