ALWAYS PLAY USING YOUR PLAY DISKS, NEVER PLAY ON THE MASTER OR SAVE DISKS!! ALWAYS SAVE GAME TO END A SESSION. ESC BRINGS UP THE SAVE GAME MENU. NEVER REBOOT THE SYSTEM DURING A SESSION BECAUSE IT WOULD LEAVE THE STARFLIGHT FILES IN AN INCONSISTENT STATE. Hints for Floppy Disk Users: You must copy the Starflight disks before you begin playing a game. You will need four blank disks. Use the DOS DISKCOPY command to make copies of both the Starflight A disk and the Starflight B Disks. Label these disks PLAYA and PLAYB. Label the remaining two disks SAVEA and SAVEB. To play Starflight boot your machine with DOS and put the PLAYA disk in drive A. If you have a second floppy disk (B Drive) put the PLAYB disk in drive B. Now type STARFLT followed by the ENTER key. Play will begin. Refer to play instructions contained in the package. As your Starflight adventure evolves the Starflight Universe evolves with you. The result of this evolution will be referred to as the "game state". The game state is saved partly in memory, and partly on disk, and is not saved entirely to disk until you use the SAVE GAME command. As a result the game state information on the disks is incomplete until you issue a SAVE GAME command. At this point, the new game state is saved intact to the PLAY disks, but it is IMPORTANT to make a backup copy of this game state. Use Diskcopy to make backup copies of both the PLAYA and PLAYB disks to the SAVEA and SAVEB disks. To resume a game after giving a SAVE GAME command and backing up the PLAY disks to the SAVE disks, re-insert the PLAY Disks and type "STARFLT". If you need to restore to a previous game state (because your crew got killed) use Diskcopy to copy from your SAVE disks onto your PLAY disks and then resume playing on the PLAY disks. Using these precautions will ensure that you can always return to your last saved game state. NEVER USE YOUR MASTER OR SAVE GAME DISKS TO PLAY STARFLIGHT. Additional Hints for Floppy Disk Users: We have left approximately 36KB free on the A: disk. You may wish to consider putting a copy of your and onto your PLAYA and SAVEA disks to facilitate backups. Starflight requires the STARFLT.COM, STARA.COM, and STARB.COM files to run. You may delete the .bat files and .txt files from your PLAYA disk if you need the disk space. Hard Disk Users Only: There is an HDINSTL.bat file on the STARFLT A disk. This batch file installs Starflight on your hard disk. It takes a parameter for the device ID of your hard disk. If your hard disk is device C: the command "A:HDINSTL C:" will install Starflight on your hard disk. The batch file also gives additional instructions for saving and backing up game states on the hard disk. Configuration Notes: Starflight requires 256K will use up to 512K and directly controls both the keyboard and graphics. It can be run from within or in conjunction with other memory resident programs. If another program does not properly restore the graphics modes when it returns you to Starflight then typing ESC followed by 3 for "Change Display Configuration" will restore the proper graphics modes. Tandy 1000 users will get the optimal 16 color display mode with either RGB or Composite monitors. Game Play Notes: If Starport gets destroyed then the game is essentially over. You can continue play but the goal of the game is probably no longer achievable. The device called the Ellipsoid is refered to by some races as the Focusing Stone. If this page of text is the only one you got to read because the rest scrolled off the screen before you could read it, try typing "README" to DOS. This will display this file one screen at a time.